The weather is all over the place at the moment. One day it is blowing a gale, the next wet, the next nice. I don't know where I am as regards what to do and what to wear.
Today has been a lovely day. Even quite warm. So this afternoon we went for a walk to the fields near our house. Josh had a brilliant time running and climbing everywhere, bashing sticks around.
This pig is made from wood and makes appearances in different parts of the woods, you never know where it is going to be so half the fun when we go to the fields is to find the pig. There were two of them but we only found one this afternoon.
The berries are numerous on the bushes at the moment. Does this mean we are in for a hard winter?
Even the dog was enjoying being in the fields this afternoon, we spent quite a long time looking for his frisbee which he insisted on dropping in the trees.
The light was just amazing through the trees. It reminded me of summer. It was very beautiful.
Hope you are having ag good week. Will try and do an update on knitting projects soon.
Morag x