Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Knit a long

The last few weeks we have been trying to get back to our term time routine so have not had quite so much time to blog.  I have been knitting though and I have been making Featherweight by Hannah Fettig.  Unfortunately the weather has changed and has been colder just right for putting on a woolly layer - but I think this will be too thin as it is made in lace weight yarn (knitpicks laceweight) .  Oh well, that just means I might have to make something else!!

As regards reading I had a kindle for my birthday a few weeks back and have just started reading the Fairacre Novels by Miss Read - about a country school head and her life in the country.  They are an easy read and just what I need as I usually read in bed at night just before going to sleep.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Routines are returning

Our term time routines are beginning to return and Josh is a bit happier.  He has started doing two full days at preschool and a half day.  He is finding this quite hard and quite tiring and seems ready for bed a lot earlier than before, this is shown in the mood swings we seem to have at the moment.

I am also finding the whole days at preschool a bit unusual.  The house is quiet and housework seems to take less time with no interruptions.  It has also given me time to do a bit of sorting out and clearing and time to just be me.