Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Decisions, Decisions

Josh is to start school in September and I have been looking at schools for him.  There are good and   not so good schools near us.  It all seems a bit of a mine field - do I go for a school near home just because it means we can walk to school or do I go for the one I like but it would mean using the car every morning.  The classes all seem really big (in number of pupils ).  I've looked at one village school which had smaller classes but it means travelling by car.  It was a lovely friendly school and it had good vibes. There are so many thoughts going through my head at the moment , it is hard to put them into words.  It all seems such a huge decision to make.  There is also another thing going through my mind - do I just go for home education instead, could I cope doing this.  I sometimes lie awake in bed thinking things over and just wish someone would give me an answer to all my questions, concerns.  I can see lots more sleepless nights coming before submitting my application. (If I submit it - which I won't have to do if we home educate but that brings up more issues, concerns).

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Early Christmas

It feels as if Christmas has come early - I ordered the above from 'myriad' - www.myriadonline.co.uk yesterday and it came today. What service.   The Caterpillar dice game is for Josh's Christmas stocking and will also be useful for taking on holiday.  In the bag there is some kite paper which I am planning to make some window stars from.  The idea came from mamauk's blog which is very inspring.  And lastly the candles are to use while we are having our meals - we  have been finding that lighting a candle at meal times is very calming and gives us something to focus on.