Thursday, 28 February 2013

Red Nose

There has not been much knitting going on this last week, instead I have been busy making red pompoms to sell at Preschool for Red Nose Day 2013.

In case any readers aren't sure what you do with the pompoms here is Josh modelling one.

Not sure what that tongue is doing!

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Yarn along

It is ages since I joined in with this and ages since I last blogged - I really must get back to it regularly.

At the moment I am knitting Deco by Kate Davies to showcase a friends own yarn.

Since taking this picture I have finished one sleeve and started the next.  I would quite like to get it finished over the weekend and then move onto something for Josh.  Not sure what though.

At the moment I am almost finished one book and am about to start someting new - I think maybe Little Women.