Monday, 27 October 2014

So Long!

I know it is ages since I wrote on my blog.  These were taken the day after my birthday in September!  So what have we been up to - can't really remember but I am assuming lots has happened.  Knitting has happened as usual, Christmas gifts have been started and finished.  Still have lots to do though.

When Joshua started back at school in September I promised myself I would get back into my running!  Some weeks are good where I go out several times others are terrible where I don't get out at all.  I have now decided that I really need to do more,  maybe not just running but throw in a bit of cycling and some swimming as well.   I have been very good doing runs at the start of the week but by the end it has fizzled out as I have been volunteering at school.  One of the days I was helping out on will be free so hopefully some more free time to get some exercise in.  Now just have to get some exercise in over half term going out in the evenings when it is dark (not my favourite).  Oh well it is only one week and it is a lovely time to spend together.  In fact we might even go swimming!  And lots of dog walking to see what we can find!  Mud, leaves and climbing trees!

Monday, 8 September 2014

New Term - time flies

I can't believe how quickly the summer holidays went.  We are now into the new term at school.  Josh has gone into year 1 and growing up so quickly.  This time last year we were just starting school with all that entails.  And now we have just fallen back into our school routine as if we have not had a summer break.  It was a shock the first few mornings.  And Josh was not that keen on going back - Tears the first morning.

I now just need to get back to doing some of my knitting work and spend some time doing the hundreds of jobs that need doing in the garden.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Summer Holidays number 1

First morning of the summer holidays and look we have gone from this

 To this

It is going to take me a little while to get used to it and it also means getting it cut regularly now.  But he is so pleased with it - 'I am a boy now' was his first comment! The curl is still there but it is more wavy now and I think the only way to get rid of the wave is to have it really short but mummy is not ready for that yet.  I need time to get used to it like this first .  I am sure that time will come when he wants it really short.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

What weather !

For the past couple of weeks if not more we have had the most amazing weather.  Dry and warm.  Sunny on lots of days.   It has been lovely and we have been able to get out and about without having to use the car all the time. It is amazing what you spot when you are not in that little box on wheels.  It has been lovely to go out without having to take lots of layers or coats as well.   We have made the most of the weather by using our bikes and tag along to get to and from school on most days.   But it has also made us more aware of the dangers on our road with cars going to fast or too close so as a family we have chosen to support this initiative by Sustrans - .  I picked up on this initiative by reading Lou's blog  It is just a simple idea but could make a huge difference .

(Image from The Pod Company, Nicky James bags)

Friday, 30 May 2014

Half term already

I can't believe how quickly the weeks are going.  This past week has been half term for Joshua and it has been lovely just to go out in the outdoors and run and climb.

We have been on our bikes , Joshua managed to cycle nearly 6 miles earlier in the week and then even wanted to take the dog out for a walk when we got back - he has so much energy.

During half term knitting work has to take a little bit of a back seat but heigh ho it won't be long and we won't be doing this .

Roll on the summer holidays when we hope to do some camping even if some of it may only be in the back garden.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Look at what we have been growing

Cress must be the easiest plant to grow with children, very short germination time with shoots appearing within a few days.  We just cut a few pieces of kitchen roll into a J for Joshua, wet it and sprinkled with the seeds.  Kept it damp and gave it some light and hey presto within a few days shoots started appearing and we had one very excited little boy.  The world is your oyster you can do any shape you fancy.  I wonder what shape we will do next.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Interesting Weather

We have been having some interesting weather lately.  One minute it is sunny the next it is absolutely bucketing down with rain (as it did when we were half way through the fields on Saturday taking the dog for a walk).  But that doesn't stop us going out we just have to dress up in the right clothes!  Which is sometimes easier said than done.

On Saturday we also made some bread it has been a while since we have done this.   The top picture is mine and it lasted 2 days!  The bottom is Joshua's snail which lasted all of about 5 minutes once it had cooled down!  Unfortunately I forgot to take some pictures once the bread have proved and also when it had cooked.  I had several hungry people wanting to try it.  It did taste nice though.

Friday, 2 May 2014

Easter and Finished

Can't believe how quickly the weeks are going by.  We had a lovely Easter spending lots of time together , going places , playing outside and seeing things.

And I also managed to finish this cardigan (Firth o' Forth by Kate Davies).  It is lovely to wear, the yarn is soft but also warm.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014


Finally the Spring has come.  We have been enjoying being outside a lot more, going for walks with the dog without having to wrap up quite so much or just playing in the garden.  Lets hope the weather lasts a little longer.

The only downside to the nice weather is that my crafting has been taking a bit more of a back seat.  Oh well.  Little one will be back at school next week and hopefully I shall have a little more time to do some more crafting.  I have lots of ideas in my head that I ought to put on paper so I don't forget what they are.

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Jam Tarts

Look what we made earlier in the week.  I haven't made or eaten a Jam tart for a long time and when we got home from school the other afternoon I just fancied making something edible with Joshua, it made a chamge from little iced cakes which is usually our quick make.  And they were yummy!!!!!

Wednesday, 26 February 2014


This week has finally started to feel like spring.  There are signs of life in the garden.  The washing has actually dried on the line.  The sun has been out a bit more - it makes everything so much better when the sun is out, apart from the fact that it shows all the dust and just how dirty my windows are.  We even have seedlings coming up in the propagator.  Roll on more bright and warm weather.

Friday, 21 February 2014

Lego, lego everywhere!

This morning as it was the last day of half term with just the two of us we decided to go and see the Lego Movie.  I did wonder if I would be totally bored but it was very good (unlike some of the other films we have been to see).  I found I kept trying to spot the lego figures we have  and Joshua is all inspired to make his own city now!  Not sure we have quite enough bricks for it all but we have quite a few so he can make a start on it.  It is interesting all the boxes of lego he had for his birthday have almost all been made into something other than what the instructions suggest - lego is very good for working the imagination.

This weekend we shall try and do some things that are more outdoors unless the weather is really bad!   And no doubt at some point make cake.

Think I am going to really miss a little someone next week when he goes back to school.  Roll on another 6 weeks and it will be the Easter holidays.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Half Term

Sorry photo overload there.  today we went to the aquarium and had a brilliant time.   I have decided to have various activities planned for this half term so that we don't spend quite so much time in front of the television or in the house, instead getting out in the fresh air or seeing things.  There are so many good things to see and do locally and we don't seem to use them very much.  We always seem to do the same thing each holiday so before half term I spent a while scouring the internet for ideas of things we could do.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

So long

I don't know why I choose this picture but I did.  They are some brooches/badges I make for birthdays.

It is so so long since I last blogged,  I just haven't known what to say.

Little one has settled into school which is good but is very tired which is not so good.

The weather is awful so I have had quite a bit of time to get some knitting done.  I also recently signed up to run a half marathon and am raising money for Send A Cow charity  so putting in the training has been hard in the conditions recently.  It seems fine once I got out of door but it is that getting out of the door that is hard.

I do hope the weather improves soon.   I am fed up of constantly getting wet.