Sunday, 23 June 2019


Sundays are for spending time together as a family.  We have recently bought Josh a new bike as he had outgrown his previous one.  So with still shiny new wheels (it has been used a little already but only short journeys) we headed off on a family cycle.  It was lovely to get out and go a little further than we normally would.  I think all in all we did about 20 miles.  Thankfully the weather was perfect for cycling not too hot, cold or wet.  Mind you there were a few drops of rain and I did wonder if we should have brought coats. 

So now for a relaxing evening in front of the television and doing some knitting before the new week begins.

Saturday, 22 June 2019

So Long

Can't believe how long it is since I posted on here.  I guess things just get in the way of posting and so it never gets done.  Sometimes it is just easier to post one picture and think of a short caption to put on Instagram rather than write a long post.  But I still like to think I have a blog even if I don't post anything or anyone else reads it. 
Perhaps I should get back to blogging regularly, maybe more about what we have been doing rather than just about what my latest knitting / craft project is.  (Mind you there have been plenty of those recently with various commissions for designers and wool dyers alike, keeping my fingers busy!).

Let's see what the future holds and see if I can get back to blogging a bit more regularly.  But I will try not to bore my readers if I have any left.