Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Knit a long

~ Two of my favorite things are knitting and reading, .  I love seeing what other people are knitting and reading as well. So, what are you knitting or crocheting right now? What are you reading? ( Joining with Ginny of Small Things for this weeks knitalong.)

This is the sample knit I have just done for Great British Yarns.  It is Chatam from one of the new Rowan books.  I had been meaning to take pictures as I was going along but the weather hasn't really been great for taking pictures.  This was the best for colour.

Now I am back to finishing off the socks I started before doing this - Hermione's Everyday Socks.

Not done that much reading this week.  I think we need to do a visit to the library again.

Hope you are all having a good week and enjoying your knitting.
Morag x

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

August almost gone

The summer holidays are almost over, where has that time gone?  Next week Josh goes back to preschool and will be doing two full days and one half day.  Over the summer we have cut out his lunch time sleep to try to get him used to not having it when he is at preschool all day.  This has been a rocky ride - some days we cope others we don't.  I think Josh has also been missing our term time rhythm and so I have had to explain what we are doing each day at breakfast so he knows what we are doing, it will be nice to get back to our usual routines and have a bit of stability to our days.

Sunday, 26 August 2012


After having a few mood problems over the last few weeks with our little one I decided that I would cut out lots of tv watching and sort through the toys and books we have.  I found after watching tv it was putting him in a bad mood and temper tantrums were happening a little bit too much for my liking and he seemed to have forgotten how to play with the toys he has.  Ok so it means I have had to occupy someone a little more but after a little bit of playing together he is now happy to play a bit by himself and I can get a bit of something else done.  It is amazing to see little changes happening so quickly - long may it last.  For a couple of days he has asked to watch tv but is now quite happy to go off and find something to play with when I say no and in fact today he hasn't even asked to watch tv.  He spent a long time this afternoon playing with my pegs that I use to hang the clothes on the line with - making them into models.  So we now have a few less books and less toys and we can see the wood for the trees.  Things are a little bit more age appropriate and a bit more open ended.  Things are being played with in a more imaginative way.  I hope I can cut down maybe a little bit more and I also plan to cut down on some of the things I own as well and not just put them out of sight but actually take them to the charity shop .  Clearing out is feeling really good like lightening the load and not feeling so bogged down.  I think this is going to be a on-going project that I will need to keep reviewing.

Hope you are having a good weekend.
Morag x

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Knit a long

~ Two of my favorite things are knitting and reading, .  I love seeing what other people are knitting and reading as well. So, what are you knitting or crocheting right now? What are you reading? ( Joining with Ginny of Small Things for this weeks knitalong.)

I am still plugging away with the sample I am making for a friends knitting shop and must try and take some pictures of it now that I have finished the back and almost the fronts.  I also decided this afternoon on a whim to make the above duck.  Not sure it really looks like a duck but hey ho!  

As regards reading I am reading through 'Simplicity Parenting' by Kim John Payne. I have read it through once and did start on our journey but after a recent troublesome time we have been having with our little one have decided to read it again.  And hopefully put some more ideas from it into practice.

Hope you have a good week.
Morag x

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Knit a long

~ Two of my favorite things are knitting and reading, .  I love seeing what other people are knitting and reading as well. So, what are you knitting or crocheting right now? What are you reading? 

It seems so long since I have put anything on my blog,  We were off on holiday 2 weeks ago and I just seem to lose the thread of putting anything on here.  I have still been knitting.  At the moment I am working on two things, one is a sample for a friends shop which I haven't currently taken any pictures of, the other is the sock pictured above - this is Hermione's everyday socks by Erica Lueder.  I haven't made socks for a long time and these are going to be mine.  I was thinking the other day that I ought to get around to starting Christmas knitting.  Have you started yours yet ?

As regards reading I have just finished the book I was reading last time so I think a visit to the library might be called for this afternoon. 

Joining with Ginny of Small Things for this weeks knitalong.

Hope you have a good week
Morag x