Wednesday, 17 June 2015


Roll on the holidays, we are all tired and tempers are frayed especially at bed time.  Little one is struggling and really just wants to stay at home rather than be going to school.  Four more weeks left! But 4 weeks of unsettled days at school with things being out of the usual routine, visits to new class, new teacher and also mixing up of the 2 classes.  (Very unsettling for a child who loves routine, stability and knowing what is happening)  So looking forward to not having to get up early for six whole weeks and to spend lots of time outside whatever the weather.  Camping weekends are planned, a week's holiday booked and even camping in the garden.  I think lots of unstructured play in the garden as well and trips to the park.  And lots of time together.

Can't wait !!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I remember those days so well - this my first June without a student in 21 years as my "baby" is out of school here in Toronto and trying to make a go of it in London.
