Wednesday, 15 April 2015


 This is a very timely post title this week as I have just started a new, temporary post at the school that Joshua attends.  So far I have done my allotted hours this week and there are parts that I really like and parts that I am still unsure about. (But I am going to work on those. )  The job is only until the summer at the moment.

Thinking of other beginnings before writing this post I came up with the fact it is the beginning of a new term at school and all the tiredness and grumps that brings in this household.

I also started thinking about the beginnings of so many knitting projects I would love to start but really need to get what I am making off my needles before casting anything else on.  I really don't want to get back into the habit of having projects that just languish about.

Also this time of year is good for thinking about new beginnings with plants and trees starting to blossom and bloom and a bit more colour coming into everything.  When I took the dog for a walk this morning before school the blossom on the trees in the fields is amazing but I forgot to take the camera with me so I am going to have to remember to take it with me tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Lot's of beginnings going on in your neck of the woods! Good luck your new temp job - maybe it'll turn into a permanent gig. We just started a kitchen project, so I am living that grumpy bit about starting a new project.
