Monday, 23 December 2013

Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas to any one still reading my blog.  I hope to update it a little more often next year when I hope to have a little more time now we have finally got into a routine as regards school.  Sorry not much really to blog about recently - have just been trying to get all my Christmas knitting out of the way which has now been done.  Finished Little one's sweater this morning.  Tried it on and fits him so well.  What a pleased mummy as I had thought about frogging it at several points but I think it looks ok.  Sorry not a very good picture but the light is dreadful today - storms battering the UK.

Anyway hope you all have a lovely Christmas and have a restful time to spend with family and loved ones.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Happy Friday

Haven't been on here much recently.  Life has just seemed a little too busy and I just didn't know what to write on here.   Have also been busy working on a fairisle knitting commission recently which took up quite a bit of my time.  But that is now finished and I am able to get started on some of my Christmas presents.  (The pictures of which will have to be posted later, just in case someone happens to read this, don't want to give away the surprise.)

Monday, 23 September 2013

Early Morning

Hardly a sound - no background traffic noise, no sirens going, just beautiful birdsong, my own footsteps, my own breathing , the dog running.  It was beautiful our walk this morning.

(The picture was not from this morning as I forget to take the camera with me but was taken on another early morning walk).

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

First Camping Trip

Last weekend we went camping for the first time since having Joshua.   We just went for the weekend with my sister and her family and my mum and dad.  It was brilliant - all the children got on well.  We went to the Forest of Dean - which is not too far from home - to a Forestry Commission campsite.

The first night not much sleep was had but the second night was better .   On the Saturday we went for a walk  following  the sculpture trail through the forest so it kept us fairly cool in the heat.  And in the evening had a barbeque enjoyed by all including the dog.

 Joshua had tears at the end of the weekend as he didn't want to come home.  So it looks as though we shall be camping again - hopefully in the near future.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

All Change

As of September things are going to change in a big way - Little one is going to start at primary school.  We have recently done two school visits where we stayed and played for half an hour.  And  soon we will have to say goodbye to those at Preschool - both staff and lots of the children.  Sometimes thinking about it makes me sad as we have both made lots of friends at preschool.   But I know it is just another chapter in our lives and that we all have to move on at some point.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Where does time go?

I can't believe yet another week has gone by.  The last week the weather has been wonderful and we have spent so much time out in the garden.  The garden is beginning to look a lot more cared for.

I have also spent a lot of time recently preparing things for the preschool summer fair, it has been taking up a lot of space in my mind both day and night.  I shall be glad when the summer fair has happened.  (It is this Saturday).  I might be able to get back to doing some of the things I want to - like my knitting!

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Bank Holiday

With the lovely weather on Bank Holiday Monday we decided to go to Glastonbury.  After a quick walk around the town we picked up our sandwiches from the car and headed for the Tor.  I had forgotten that it is quite a walk for someone with little legs to get to the Tor - we just kept saying we were almost there!  And reminding him that once we got to the top we could have our lunch.  Also the promise of an ice cream when we got back down to the town worked well.

At the top the views were amazing.  It was very clear and you could see out into the Bristol Channel and beyond.   I don't think I have been up there with such good views.

Once back down we did as promised and bought the little one his ice cream while Mummy and Daddy treated themselves to a well earned cup of tea and the dog had a long drink of water.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Disappointment happens

For the last week or so I have been meaning to blog but have just not been able to put the words on here that I wanted.

We didn't get either of our 1st two choices of schools for our youngest.  We did get our 3rd choice which is a very good church school but it involves getting to school by car, we had hoped to be able to walk.  We have gone on a waiting list at the church school in the town but I don't hold out much hope of getting a place.  So mentally I have been going through the thought processes of how to get to school - walking is just not feasible,  so I am hoping if the weather isn't too bad we will cycle maybe two days of the week just so we don't use the car too much.  Also we will park a little bit away from the school so that we do have a little bit of a walk before and after school.

I can't believe in a few months time my little one will be going to big school.  It is all rather frightening and I am not sure how I really feel about it all.  I have mixed emotions.  It seems like one chapter is coming to an end and another is just about to begin but with lots of uncertainty at the moment.  I know deep down that  it is just a change in routine and we will work into our new routines and they will become our everyday routine.  I am sure over time little one will cope with school just as he has preschool.

Still not sure I am putting this how I want but I have so many thoughts going through my head at the moment.  Sorry if you are reading this and hoping to find my usual happy post with some knitting involved - I am still knitting.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013


My latest knit was a quick one. it took less than a week to knit.  This cowl design is by Glenna C of

The pattern is Charlotte St. cowl and I knitted the cowl in Old Maiden Aunt yarn.

I do like quick knits.  But I also like to get my teeth into something longer as well.  I just need to decide what I am make next.  I have a couple of work things that need to be started but I also want to do something else for me.  Is it wrong to have more than one thing on the needles at a time?

I do need to give this a better block but I so wanted to put it on this morning.  My other scarves are all starting to look scruffy and need a wash and reblocking.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013


On Good Friday, we went to the University of Bristol Botanical Gardens with my parents.  It was absolutely freezing cold and we didn't spend long there.  They had some sculptures to find around the garden which Josh enjoyed looking for.  Unfortunately it was too cold for most of the plants and so they were covered to protect them so I think we shall have to go back again and look at the plants when it is warmer.

Easter weekend was a very quiet affair at home just us.  It was nice to have a long weekend and just relax.  We did spend quite a bit of time in the garden doing some tidying after the winter and getting things ready for when Spring does decide to eventually come and it is warm enough to plant things.

Friday, 22 March 2013


Here in the UK the forecast over the next few days is for cold weather so I think we shall have a relaxed weekend in front of the fire and do some knitting and other crafting and playing of games and toys.    I know at some point we shall have to go out as the dog will need walking and the little one is not very good at being cooped up all day so we shall have to wrap up warm in our hand knits.

Have a lovely weekend whatever you choose to do.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Knit a long

It seems a while since I have joined in with the knit a long .  I have been knitting but just not had the time to blog about it.  Last week I finished an Audrey in Unst (haven't sewn on the buttons yet and still need to take some pictures!)  and now I have started another Deco as a sample of a friend's own yarn.

As regards reading I am reading or rather I seem to be spending lots of time looking at the pictures in 'Homespun Style' by Selina Lake.  She has just brought out a new book which I think I may have to look at aswell.  This one has some beautiful pictures.

What are you making?  What are you reading?

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Red Nose

There has not been much knitting going on this last week, instead I have been busy making red pompoms to sell at Preschool for Red Nose Day 2013.

In case any readers aren't sure what you do with the pompoms here is Josh modelling one.

Not sure what that tongue is doing!

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Yarn along

It is ages since I joined in with this and ages since I last blogged - I really must get back to it regularly.

At the moment I am knitting Deco by Kate Davies to showcase a friends own yarn.

Since taking this picture I have finished one sleeve and started the next.  I would quite like to get it finished over the weekend and then move onto something for Josh.  Not sure what though.

At the moment I am almost finished one book and am about to start someting new - I think maybe Little Women.